Friday, January 30, 2009

"make new friends"...

Cookie season is upon us and I am seeing scouts everywhere...That, coupled with my weekend away in Fredericksburg, reminds me of the Girl Scout song that states to "make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold".

I can remember a few years ago I told a very dear friend of mine that I really didn't want to make new friends. I wasn't being exclusive, sectarian or snobbish...I was probably being lazy. I was happy with my circle of friends. Parameters set. Status quo.

There's been a shift - a metamorphosis. Over the past year my circle has grown...and, I consider myself lucky for that.

I am feeling a bit remorseful for being lazy and content. So, even though cookie season may come and go, I hope the silver and gold jingle stays with me because I'm really enjoying this copious circle.

(Now, to just keep my derriere from expanding during cookie season!!!)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

custom made idiot

Instead of naming my blog "custom made Drapes", should've gone with "custom made Idiot" - after I forgot my password and it took me five days to re-set! Maybe this neoteric journaling is not for me!

Anyhow, I'm back in and ready to go.

Now, just something to write about -
Back soon!

Saturday, January 17, 2009


I have been inspired. I have been inspired to write, though I really don't know if writing is "my thing". But, my friend writes a thoroughly enjoyable blog and she has motivated me to begin my own. And she must write a damn good blog as I know two other friends who have also taken the leap after reading her daily online stories.

So, I've been mulling the idea over for a couple of weeks now and topics to write about are constantly popping in to my head...even the mundane seems like something to tackle. Of course at my age, I just need to find a way to remember them'-)

My girls - and even Pedro - are probably thinking that they will regret this as I am sure I will be blogging about them. Truly - do you think I could embarass them (the girls, not Peter) anymore than their Facebook entries - I think not!!! Today is my fair warning...tomorrow, if I remember, I begin!

Thanks Juanita.