Tuesday, January 27, 2009

custom made idiot

Instead of naming my blog "custom made Drapes", should've gone with "custom made Idiot" - after I forgot my password and it took me five days to re-set! Maybe this neoteric journaling is not for me!

Anyhow, I'm back in and ready to go.

Now, just something to write about -
Back soon!


  1. How about writing about the supercool girls you work with (and used to work with!)?? Just don't mention the name of the place....'member I got in trouble for that! lol!

  2. I fully expect this blog to be full of lots of sunshine. Ya hear me, Drapes?!! Sunshine, dammit! (Insert spirit fingers here...) And maybe some other stuff too. You should DEFINITELY post a video. ;)
