Friday, January 30, 2009

"make new friends"...

Cookie season is upon us and I am seeing scouts everywhere...That, coupled with my weekend away in Fredericksburg, reminds me of the Girl Scout song that states to "make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold".

I can remember a few years ago I told a very dear friend of mine that I really didn't want to make new friends. I wasn't being exclusive, sectarian or snobbish...I was probably being lazy. I was happy with my circle of friends. Parameters set. Status quo.

There's been a shift - a metamorphosis. Over the past year my circle has grown...and, I consider myself lucky for that.

I am feeling a bit remorseful for being lazy and content. So, even though cookie season may come and go, I hope the silver and gold jingle stays with me because I'm really enjoying this copious circle.

(Now, to just keep my derriere from expanding during cookie season!!!)


  1. I found you Marcy!! I'll be checking in on you and can't wait to here 'your stories'. Be careful about blogging those ladies you work with at that place you can not mention...I hear they can be mean :o)

  2. I mean 'hear' your stories, just in case the grammer police reads this.

  3. Yeah, those girls CAN be mean! Jeez...
    Let me know if you need more cookies for your derriere!
